About Us

Hon. Stephen Schiller
Board Member
Hon. Stephen A. Schiller (Ret.) has served as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Neutral with JAMS-Chicago for over a decade. His ADR practice focuses on commercial contract disputes; personal injury matters arising out of claimed negligence and product liability; insurance coverage; professional liability disputes involving the medical, legal, accounting and surveying professions; class action claims, and disputes arising out of the purchase and sale of interests in business, as well as minority interest issues. Representative matters include settlement of a $700 million corporate governance and shareholder dispute, involving reorganization and valuation issues; resolution of class actions brought on behalf of renters of residential units located throughout the United States; and determination of the respective exposures of more than 12 insurers in relation to several reinsurance contracts and retrocession treaties that followed them, covering large exposures and with aggregate premiums in excess of $1 billion.
Schiller’s ADR practice follows an illustrious judicial career. Schiller served as a judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County between 1981 and 2004, where he was assigned to the Chancery Division and the Law Division. As a judge, Schiller was able to help parties make realistic assessments of their legal positions and had special expertise in discovery-related questions in the context of managed arbitration processes. Schiller was appointed as a member of the Illinois Supreme Court Committee on Complex Litigation in 2001, and chaired the Committee between 2003 and 2004. He served on the Executive Committee of the Illinois Judicial Conference between 2001 and 2004. He served as a faculty member for the Illinois Judicial Conference Regional Seminar on Settlement Techniques in March 2003. He also served as Chair of the Illinois Judicial Conference Regional Seminar on Insurance Litigation in 2003. He received an award from the Illinois Committee on Honest Government in 1997. Participated as a faculty member in the Haiti Short-Term Judicial Training Administration of Justice Project of the National Center for State Courts.
A graduate of the University of Chicago Law School, Schiller was in the private practice of law between 1962 and 1974. Schiller was appointed as Executive Director of the Chicago Crime Commission, serving in that capacity between 1974 and 1980. Schiller returned to the private practice of law in 1980, and was then appointed as Special Counsel to the Director of the Illinois Department of Revenue.
Schiller hold a B.S.C., in Accounting and Finance from the Roosevelt University. He was also a University of Chicago Law School National Defender Fellow.
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